Friday, June 21, 2013

Scary Ogres

This day of Alban Heruin is the hinge and center of the year. The sun stands at meridian height. At this time, the bond between heaven and Earth is strongest, and sun, the regent of light and center of the spinning worlds, make most urgent his message at this turning point of the year. The meaning of Alban Heruin is the light of shore, for the shore is the meeting place of sea and land, where the two borders tremble together in a circle around the Earth. Thus we celebrate the glory of high summer, remembering the winter past and the winter to come.Many people are going in various places near rivers and mountains to celebrate the summer solstice. Everybody have started to work collecting the wood to create the big wheels intertwined with sprigs of wheat. A fairly unusual occurrence took place because of these celebrations. Our troll more curious is gone once again through the Fairy's Cave to reach the Magic Cauldron. Here's what he saw:
Due to the noise that people was making on the mountains, the ogres who live there and who love peace did not know what to do to scare them view the numerical inferiority. They headed towards the Giant's cave hoping in the giant's strength as aid. The giant after have listened the request is went immediately to the cauldron. He started to take what more was obscure among its ingredients, and mitigate all with the fresh squids caught from the dolphins and Given to him like gift. Mixed the ingredients a delicious and scented, but terrifying, black pasta came out of the cauldron.The ogres at the sight of this dish were astonished, they did not understand how such a dish can be helpful them, they had not at all asked to be fed.
The giant then explains that after eating they will have black teeth and a stinking breath, that certainly would scared anyone, even an entire army. Happy the ogres go away and the giant happy resumes its activities, since everything the little people is making party for his queen and soon will be requested its delicacies.

Happy Litha to all of you

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