Friday, May 24, 2013


After the Handfasting, the fairies of the Goblin & Fairys went flying fast in the Giant's Cave to report to him that from the first laugh of a newborn baby, a new fairy had come to life.
Having heard parents talk about a cake for Christening, and being in the mood even them of partying for the arrival of the new fairy, with an air of gratitude the fairies are became ​​visible to their eyes, to help them.
They were reassured by telling them that they would have their cake, just as they wanted and it would be ready for that happy day.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Another important piece of the Goblins & Fairys is going to be delivered overseas, bringing joy and beauty in a distant land. The Goblins of the Goblins & Fairys have decorated the package, making it worthy of its contents. Nothing complex, beauty often hides behind the simplest things and here, by the rough cardboard, are borned the rare beauty of a ondina and the funny face of an elf.
Everything now is harmonized and accompanied by extravagant greeting of the little people.
Who knows what they would be able to invent for your order, do not you want to try?!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Divination Surprise

With the passage of Beltaine, whole earth is full of great energy.
Precisely because of this the Little People of the Goblins & Fairys is activated immediately creating objects of divination as these wonderful and portable Mini Table Ouija. So that wherever you need to go you can take it with you, not giving up on your divinations, just because you are traveling.
Go to snoop in "Ouija Table" section!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Beltaine Dinner

The surprise of Beltaine is arrived, a wonderful dinner with various colors, heady flavors and a harmony that only the gods can give with their blessing to the banquet of the Magic Cauldron. 
The Little People with the belly satisfied, he took advantage of happiness given to him by this exquisite meal for prepare, according to the ancient tradition, a talisman tied to the festivity, to be donated to the giant of the Magic Cauldron as a thank you.
You can find it in the "Festivity Gifts" section

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Beltaine

Great excitement today in the land of the Sidhe, the Little People celebrating the union of the Sun to the Earth, the God and the Goddess. From today the soil impregnated by the love of  the God will engender new life in the triumph of spring. Our Leprechaun is went to the Giant's Cave to give greetings to the Magic Cauldron's giant but strangely the quarry was locked, the giant has shouted that there will be some surprises for this festivity. Happy Beltaine to all of you and you remain to look around, as we do, for to see which goodness will come out from the Cauldron.